As I continue to research the most TRUSTED SENIOR/ACTIVE ADULT Resource's in the Central Orlando ( ) area it is refreshing to know that there are some GREAT organizations operated by some GREAT people. It substaniates my mission that there are Integrity Based Companies that are willing to protect a certain class of People and those are our SENIORS and ACTIVE ADULTS.
My Team and I started our research looking for Resources that allign their business principles with ours and have the same PASSION to be that TRUSTED Resource for the SENIOR/ACTIVE ADULT Population.
We gather our targeted group of RESOURCE'S by researching company testimonials along with receiving many referrals from our current SENIOR/ACTIIVE ADULT RESOURCE List ( ) and Sphere of Influence ( friends,business partners & past clients ). I reach out to all the RESOURCE'S personally, to set up a one on one meeting at their place of business and discuss what my mission is to protect this class of people. I then listen to how they do business and what it means to protect the SENIORS/ACTIVE ADULT Community to them. Once we have shared both of our business practices I have them review and sign a Resource Team Agreement honoring each others commitment to work together protecting the SENIOR/ACTIVE ADULTS. A reaction of sincerity is felt when they read over the agreement and ask where do they need to sign. Some are so interested in Helping that they provide names and numbers of contacts that they feel would compliment this RESOURCE list ( ). always ask at the end of our one on one meetings if they have ever been approached by any Real Estate Agent with this type of presentation or request. The answer is always an emphatic NO.
This past week I met the most integrity based people and organizations that they confirmed what I am doing for our SENIOR and ACTIVE ADULT Community is something that is needed and that they want to be a part of this program. To all of us it is not about the MONEY--- it is about DOING the right thing to insure that our SENIORS and ACTIVE ADULT Community are protected. Afterall, it is about ----- PROVIDING SENIORS AND ACTIVE ADULTS the RESPECT & DIGNITY they DESERVE by BECOMING a TRUSTED RESOURCE ALLY for them and their CARETAKERS.
Visit my website at ---hit the SENIOR Resource Button to find our TRUSTED TEAM.