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Think before sharing with others.

In a world of go-go-go, mobile everything and social media people tend to speak (type) before they think.  Dirty laundry gets aired out on major social media channels.  Text messages get sent after a long night of raucous behavior.  Crude images get uploaded that others don't want to see or will use against you later.

Before technology, some people simply lacked a filter that prevented them from over sharing personal business.  I think as a society we got over it, told them to think before sharing and maybe enjoyed some of the drama that ensued after.

Now a days, technology has made sharing extremely easy and almost makes people feel like they have to share.

I mean, who can resist that?  It's asking me what's on my mind.  It cares how I feel.  I should share every thought and rant with the world.  Right?
No, because I think before sharing.  You should too.