Have Stuff? Here’s What It Does…
Home stager Kathy Streib wrote a great blog post today about the power (and in this case that itsn't a positive) of STUFF. I too often use the word "edit" with clients as that's usually what's needed to get a house ready to sell....removing superfluous items. However in some cases, editing isn't enough. Are you surrounded by STUFF? Enjoy Kathy's post:
Have Stuff? Here’s What It Does…
This is the time of year when everyone has there “to do” list...join a gym, get a new website, lose weight. And one that is usually on everyone’s
Top 5 list is to rid themselves of things they no longer wear, use, or want.
This is especially true if you plan on selling your house. It’s been hammered into you by your friends, neighbors, and your agent that you need to get rid of all of your STUFF!
Some call it decluttering. I like to use the word edit. And, as of late, we’ve been using another word I dislike...downsizing.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s time to get rid of, throw away, donate the STUFF you own.
Why, you ask?
Let me tell you what the STUFF you have does to you.
S Stifles your productivity. Every time you plan a project or want to do something, there’s your stuff staring you in the face. It screams Do something with me!!!
T Ties you down. You want to move but the thought of packing and moving all of the items you have stops you in your tracks. Maybe you want to have houseguests over but where would you put them?
U Upsets the balance of free-for-me time vs must- do time. Weekends that should be spent relaxing or doing the things you enjoy doing are instead spent working around, walking around, thinking about the excess in your life.
F Fills in for what you really want. I knew someone who had 5 large Oriental rugs in her attic. Every inch of her home was taken up with artifacts. What I learned was that she collected all of this because she was bored.
F Fosters cluttered thinking. Have you ever carved out time to sit down with your favorite book only to find yourself reading the same sentence over and over again because your mind is on everything around you? You feel guilty for sitting down to read because you should instead be going through all of the boxes of items you moved from your former house that you’ve never opened.
In my life, I’ve known very few people who did not have an issue with “stuff.” They have a wonderful ability to keep only what they need and use.
God love them.
However, for the rest of us, consider thinking of what you may be missing or not experiencing the next time you find it hard to part with some of your excess STUFF.
Room Service! Home Staging
Palm Beach County Home Stager
561-914-6224 Kathy@MrsHomeStaging.com
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