Ghosts?! Not the Home Inspector's Fault
Ghosts?! Not the Home Inspector's Fault is how I started my story this past Thanksgiving. I was swapping some stories with a fellow home inspector and told him about a 300 year old home I inspected a few years back near Malvern, PA.
The home was built in the 1750s and was a good size property. I know this home inspection would take a good 4 hours or so.
My home inspection clients were really excited about the architecture and character of the home and were very engaged during the home inspection. They followed me around as I taught them about the home's systems and intricacies.
Everything was going quite well for the first couple hours. For a 300 year old home, there were some issues that came up, but it wasn't anything I thought would scare them off.
They weren't scared until their real estate agent started giving them some fun historical "facts" about the home. When the agent told them that George Washington had once spent the night in this home, they had the look of pure terror on their faces. Suddenly, the wife exclaimed, "I don't want to live in a house where George Washington's ghost might be!"
Ghosts?! Well, that was an unexpected reaction. I could tell the real estate agent was surprised as well. He certainly didn't claim that George Washington had DIED in the house. He just spent the night. And really, it's a 300 year old home. If you believe in ghosts, I'm sure there were plenty around in those 300 years the home was around.
I continued with the home inspection and made no mention of ghosts in the report. They ended up using the report to back out of the deal but this was not the home inspector's fault. It was the ghost of George Washington I suppose!
If you would like a home inspector who is experienced with homes, old or new, haunted or not, visit our website at