
Walking the world on our two feet...

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Residential
Good morning!!
I woke this morning early. 4 am. I slept well. It was a deep sleep…
But I woke up early. I laid in bed for a bit, as is my habit…
I found myself pondering my day. Thinking…
I find that those first few thoughts I have every morning can set the tone for my whole day…
Usually my thoughts start a bit negative…
“What do I have to do today?” “I wish that went different yesterday.” “Why me?”
Thoughts like that. Silly thoughts…
Yet thoughts that can fester in your mind if we let them…
Thoughts of worry. Of doubt. Of shame…
Again, silly thoughts…
Where do thoughts like that come from? Why do we so often doubt ourselves?
Is it because we are always listening to other people’s thoughts? Taking the advice of others? Thoughts that may challenge our beliefs? Question us and our actions?
It could be.
For we are all different people…
And we look at the world differently. And that is ok…
But it doesn’t make who we are wrong. Inferior. Any less of a human…
For we all walk this world on our own two feet...
Making our own decisions. Creating our own destiny…
Living our own lives…
And it is when we take on other people’s lives. Their thoughts. Their advice…
That our minds can get muddled. Who we truly are can get lost in the shuffle…
Leaving us confused.
Worried. Doubting. Feeling shame…
So today, I sit on this comfortable couch. Listening to light piano music…
And the thoughts of doubt and worry are gone. Leaving me content…
The day is still early. The house is quiet…
I have a busy day today, and it will be a good one…
For I am confident in who I am. What I am doing. The choices I make…
The direction I am going…
Because I am walking on my own two feet today…
And they are taking me where I need to go…


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Sham Reddy CRS
Howard Hanna RE Services, Dayton, OH - Dayton, OH

Thanks for shring Ken. Great observatons!!!

Living our own lives… And it is when we take on other people’s lives. Their thoughts. Their advice… That our minds can get muddled. Who we truly are can get lost in the shuffle…
Leaving us confused.
Jan 04, 2022 03:50 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Ken - one step and one day at a time.  We each can make it a better one than yesterday with the right attitude and approach.  

Jan 04, 2022 04:09 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Good morning Ken. Between stimulus and response man has the power to choose. Choose wisely for you. You have to live with the choice. Enjoy your day.

Jan 04, 2022 04:35 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

I have found that thinking of at least three things I am grateful for (before I even get out of bed) starts my day on a positive note. And I've been doing that so long it's just a habit now.

We all need to be ourselves, which is sometimes hard with all the noise outside and inside of ourselves. Choosing our path every morning gives us a chance to lead our lives wherever WE want them to go.

Enjoy your day!

Jan 04, 2022 05:08 AM