Thanks so much to all that sent emails and comments to me on this blog post. I see that I am not the only Realtor out there that believes in "true" buyer representation and understands the detriment to buyers when agents mis-represent themselves.
Education is the key, which is what I try to do on my website The Home Buyers Company; I try to educate buyers so that they can make informed decisions when it comes to all parts of a real estate transaction, which includes choosing the right agent. Once Buyers know what to look for when reading an agents profile they will be better able to distinguish the false from the truth.
Again thanks for the feedback as my spirit was uplifted by hearing the responses from agents, who like myself believe that you shouldn't market yourself unwisely with half truths, ignorance, and out right lies.
My mom always taught us that half truths, or not stating the facts only because the right questions weren't asked is still lying; no matter how you try to down play it or tell yourself otherwise. When you have nothing to hide you are willing to answer all questions, even before the questions are asked.
This is what I believe and what I teach to my two babies.