Model yourself. . . Victoria Gardens
Its amazing how much Victoria Gardens itself, has been such a beautiful part of our community. It is the place that we all call home. The Victoria Gardens mall itself is an amazing place. Absolutely beautiful, it makes me feel like I am walking in a real-life fairy tale. It is somewhere I am proud to take my family, and love to hang out, work on my laptop and grad a cup of coffee. Victoria Gardens has become more than a mall, it is the basis of our community. It is very obvious that we take pride in our community.
The REO's (bank owned properties) in our community, are very well taken care of. Even the banks realize the importance of keeping this a beautiful place to live. I am very active in Real Estate here in Rancho Cucamonga, and very knowledgeable about certain areas in Rancho Cucamonga. Its amazing how much pride is truly in the air in our area.
It is very important to realize that we all worked to get the privilege to live here.
Yesterday, I was at the Victoria Arbors park and I over heard a mother make a comment to her daughter not to play with a little boy. It was obvious that the little boys mother was struggling to able to afford. As I looked at this family, and the other mothers reaction, I thought about everything I have been through, to get to where I am, and everything I stand for, to get to where I want to be.
We should encourage everyone, we are the people that can help other people make their dreams become reality. People who truly want to better themselves, will listen.
I walked over to that mother of the little boy. As we were talking, I realized that she was a very hard working mom, and she needed some direction. We sat there for 20 minutes; we went onto my laptop and researched the direction she needed to go to become a correctional officer. Those 20 minutes we spent together, truly changed her outlook, gave her encouragement, knowledge and resources. In those 20 minutes, we signed her up for a class coming up at the local community college, got information on how to apply for child care through the county, and found out exactly what steps to take to become a correctional offer.
We are very lucky to live and work in such a beautiful place, but we all got here some how. The world is a much better place when we take the intuitive to help someone. The lesson our children will learn from the way we treat people, will surpass and make our next generation that much better.
Always give, Always. Giving knowledge and support is the best way to help anybody. If you can make positive impact, or make a difference in one persons life, for the better, or just put a smile on someones face, each day, thats a whole lot people you gave a positive impression of yourself to.
And you know, when she gets to where she is destined to be, do you think she will forget about me??