Would it work to make up a blog for November events and meetings?
This should be a good time coming towards the end of the month to get some updates to what meetings are coming up in November in our area so we can all start working on our calendar now. If anyone has a meeting or event they would like posted here - write it in the comments section and I'll try and compile them in some sort of format and post a blog towards the beginning of November... I know for one I have emails that come in and tell me dates etc and there are times when I just don't get them into my dayplanner and have to go back and find the emails....
When is the MCAR monthly meeting in November? Weren't there some things to be turned in as well before then? Such as Realtor of the Year and Affiliate of the Year?
The Chamber meeting in our area for November?
Or any other meetings that you feel might be of interest or we should be taking advantage of as realtors and affiliates....
Good idea or bad.... I haven't thought it through so let me know!