As a newbie, I just posted my first blog. I have no idea what to do now though. Any suggestions? How do I know if anyone actually reads it?
Hi Deb....welcome to Active Rain ..I would say people are reading it....and giving you lots of great advice be sure to use it and you will be alright...peace zane
Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I can tell that this could become very habit-forming. How much time do you spend on Active Rain and blogging? I certainly see the value but I can also see that it could become an obsession and suck all my time away. :)
Hi Deb
Welcome to ActiveRainan congratulations for having the courage to post a blog.Some people have been on ActiveRain for years and do not blog they only comment and read.Here you are you jumped right in.Well good for you .Find what your interests are it may take a little time and explore..It is a wonderful place to network,get great advice and of luck
Hello and welcome to Active Rain. Looks like several people have read your first blog. Keep them coming.
Howdy there Deb
I have not keep track, of just how much time spend in the AR community. But I am here at sometime every day. To spend time, with my AR family.
Hi Deb and Welcome! I'm pretty new to this too. I lurked for quite awhile before I had the courage to start commenting and I've only just started blogging (and I do mean just). It's definitely time consuming and addictive, but there's just so much good stuff here. If you figure out a method to the madness you can clue me in. In the meantime just enjoy your time in the RAIN.
Deb - I think Dale and the rest above just about summed it all up. Just blog, blog, blog away! But remember you'll get out of it what you put in. Let me know if you have any questions!
Hey Deb, Cindy from Florida. I am new..just two days old. I love this. It is so much fun to get an opportunity to talk to other Realtors and get their opinions and ideas. I am still feeling my way around and am not too sure of what I am doing, but it is still fun. Hopefully once I have been on a while I will be a little more comfortable at navigating around here.
Blog, and blog. Little by little you will get to know this huge website. I have been in it for a couple of months, and I discover new buttons every day I am on it.
Good luck.
I joined Active Rain about 2 months ago and still have the same hesitation as fact this is even my first comment. One of these days I'll figure out how to post something and what to say!
Great to see you join AR. One way to get s nice start here is to go to the front page and click on Online Resources and voila. Plenty of helpful info there. Welcome and happy blogging.
Hi Deb,
To find out if people are reading your Blog, you just drop back in and see the many posts that all of us are leaving. That is the fun of the whole process. It is like having a lot of semi secret friends dropping in to encourage you. Now that you have written one, read others and write more. It becomes a routine. Good luck.
Hi Deb: Looks like you've already gotten plenty of advice and guidance so I'll just wish you a very warm welcome to Active Rain and prepare yourself to become an addict like the rest of us!
Welcome Deb! Keep posting and commenting. A good tip is to go to people's blog that commented on yours and read theirs. If you like it, leave a comment. Before you know it you will "know" many people!
Welcome Deb. I'm fairly new too, but feel like I'm part of the community. AR is a community of like minded professionals that are willing to mentor, share and encourage each other - as you can see from your comments. I've learned so much in such a short time and know you will too. You're right thought, it can become an obsession.
Congratulations on your first post. The comments will tell you who has read your post and left a comment. On your "My Home" page near the lower left of the page you will see a tab for "Statistics." This will tell you how many times your posts have been viewed and who is subscribing to your blog. :)
I haven't started blogging yet, but this has me change my mind. I need to start soon.
Welcome Deb. You will find AR an endless fount of infomation, as you can see from all of the above comments! Have fun playing in the rain.
Welcome, Deb. Now that you're got your first one under your belt, just keep blogging. Write about things that interest you or about things that are on your mind. Or, maybe post a question about something you need advice with. It's really that simple. Good luck, and enjoy!
Hi Deb,
Welcome to Active Rain I am new also and just keep, read, read, there is alot of fantastic info on Active Rain...