
Back to basics

Home Stager with HomeStagingLG

I've been noticing that in the past couple of months, magazines, newspapers and even television segments are dedicated to decluttering, organizing, purging as part of a move to keep things simple in these difficult economic times.  There is also emphasis being placed on buying second hand clothing, used home accessories and furnishings.   For home stagers, such as myself, we welcome this shift to "back to basics" as I call it.  It not only supprts our efforts to encourage de-cluttering, organizing and getting rid of excess "stuff" also supports doing so in a holistic and environmentally friendly way.

For those of you who do struggle with the amount of material things you have in your home or office space, you can apply the 3 to 1 rule.  For every one item that comes into your home or office, you must remove three.  It may require a bit of discipline at the beginning but it can quickly become your very own "modus operor" (manner/method to work). 

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This is so true Louise...I don't know how many people I have encounter in the last few years that say they need to sell their home because it's not big enough...families tend to be smaller and houses tend to be bigger but never big enough for all their stuff! They just need to simplify...good advice the 3-1 rule. 

Mar 02, 2009 10:06 AM