find bank owned reo homes: Ventura County Home Buyers Mortgage Process: What You Need to Know - 02/23/18 08:47 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission

find bank owned reo homes: ¡Las tasas hipotecarias arden! ¿Se esfuman los precios de las casas? - 02/22/18 09:52 AM
¡Las tasas hipotecarias arden! ¿Se esfuman los precios de las casas?   Las tasas de interés hipotecarias ya han aumentado más de un cuarto de punto en 2018.  Muchos están pronosticando que las tasas podrían aumentar hasta 5 % para finales del año.
¿Qué impacto tendrán las tasas en el aumento del valor de las viviendas? Muchos llegan rápidamente a la conclusión que un aumento en las tasas hipotecarias tendrá un impacto perjudicial en los precios de los bienes raíces ya que menos compradores podrán calificar por un préstamo. Esto parece lógico – si hay menos demanda por la vivienda, … (4 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Ventura County Mortgage Rates on FIRE! Home Prices Up in Smoke? - 02/22/18 09:44 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
Mortgage interest rates have already risen by over a quarter of a percentage point in 2018. Many are projecting that rates could increase to 5% by the end … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: 80 % de los inquilinos creen que ser propietario de vivienda es parte de su sueño americano - 02/21/18 09:57 AM

80 % de los inquilinos creen que ser propietario de vivienda es parte de su sueño americano  21 21UTC febrero 21UTC 2018  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Millennials,   De acuerdo con el último ‘Perfil de los aspirantes a compradores de casas’ (Aspiring Home Buyers Profile) de la Asociación nacional de Realtors (NAR por sus siglas en inglés) 82 % de los inquilinos encuestados desean ser propietarios de una casa en el futuro, con 80 % creyendo que ser propietario de vivienda es una gran parte del logro de su sueño americano.
El perfil pasó a afirmar que el 50 % de los ‘millennials’ … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: 80% of Renters Believe Homeownership is a Part of Their American Dream - 02/21/18 09:48 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
According to the latest Aspiring Home Buyers Profile by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 82% of surveyed renters desire to own a home in the future, with 80% believing homeownership is … (4 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #TimeToSell 2 maneras para obtener la mayor cantidad de dinero de la venda de su casa - 02/20/18 09:28 AM
2 maneras para obtener la mayor cantidad de dinero de la venda de su casa  20 20UTC febrero 20UTC 2018  For Sellers, FSBOs, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing, Cada propietario de casa quiere asegurarse que maximiza su recompensa financiera al vender su casa. Pero ¿Cómo usted garantiza que va a recibir el valor máximo por su casa?
Aquí hay dos claves para asegurarle que usted obtiene el precio más alto posible.
1. Dele un precio un POCO BAJO Esto puede parecer contradictorio. Pero veamos este concepto por un momento. Muchos propietarios piensan que darle un precio a su casa un poco POR ENCIMA del valor del … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: 2 Ways to Get the Most Money from The Sale of Your Ventura County Home - 02/20/18 09:21 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
Every homeowner wants to make sure they maximize their financial reward when selling their home. But how do you guarantee that you receive the maximum value for your … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Millonario a los ‘millennials’: ¡No alquile una casa… compre! - 02/19/18 08:59 AM
Millonario a los ‘millennials’: ¡No alquile una casa… compre!  06 06UTC febrero 06UTC 2018  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Millennials, Move-Up Buyers   En un artículo de CNBC, el millonario autodidacta David Bach explicó que “El error más grande que están cometiendo los ‘millennials’ es no comprar su primera casa”. Él continúa diciendo: “Si usted quiere construir seguridad financiera verdadera, riqueza real por vida, entonces usted necesita comprar una casa”.
Bach continúo explicando:
“Los propietarios valen 40 veces más que los inquilinos. Ahora, esa primera casa no necesita ser una casa de ensueño, puede ser una casa muy pequeña. Es posible que literalmente tenga que comprar … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: #TimeToBuy Millionaire to Millennials: Don’t Rent a Home… Buy! - 02/19/18 08:35 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
In a CNBC article, self-made millionaire David Bach explained that: “The biggest mistake millennials are making is not buying their first home.” He goes on to say that, “If you want to build … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor Ventura County Home Value & Mortgage Rate UPDATE - 02/18/18 05:38 PM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
Weekly Mortgage Rate Update While there was some volatility, it was a relatively quiet week for mortgage rates. The major economic data was mixed. In a nice break from … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: ¡Cálmese! El mercado de bienes raíces no se está derrumbando - 02/15/18 09:47 AM
¡Cálmese! El mercado de bienes raíces no se está derrumbando  15 15UTC febrero 15UTC 2018  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates,Move-Up Buyers   En las últimas semanas ha habido una enorme volatilidad en ciertos mercados (por ejemplo: los mercados de valores y monetarios). Cuando esto sucede, algunos tienden a agrupar todas las inversiones y crear un escenario casi de Armagedón donde todo pierde valor rápida y drásticamente. Bienes raíces es una inversión que puede quedar atrapada en esa histeria. ¿Esta preocupación por el mercado de la vivienda actual tiene mérito?
Los asesores financieros nos han estado advirtiendo durante meses que … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Calm Down! The Ventura County Real Estate Market is NOT Falling Apart - 02/15/18 09:42 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
There has been tremendous volatility in certain markets over the last few weeks (for example, the stock and currency markets). When this happens, some tend to lump all of … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: ¿Qué viene primero… el matrimonio o la hipoteca? #TimeToMoveUp #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor - 02/14/18 10:08 AM
¿Qué viene primero… el matrimonio o la hipoteca?  14 14UTC febrero 14UTC 2018  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers   Según el Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers (Perfil de los compradores & vendedores de casa) más reciente de la Asociación nacional de Realtors, las parejas casadas nuevamente dominaron las estadísticas de los compradores por primera vez en 2017 con 57 % de todos los compradores. No sorprende que tener dos ingresos para ahorrar el pago inicial y contribuir para los costos mensuales de la vivienda hace que comprar una casa sea más alcanzable.
Pero, muchas parejas también están decidiendo comprar una casa antes de gastar … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Which Comes First… Marriage or Mortgage? #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor - 02/14/18 10:02 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your BEST CHOICE FOR A REALTOR® IN VENTURA COUNTY CA, Ventura County Certified REO REALTOR® Short Sale Specialist, Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
According to the National Association of REALTORS most recent Profile of Home Buyers & … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: El inventario bajo eleva más los precios de las casas - 02/13/18 10:07 AM
El inventario bajo eleva más los precios de las casas  13 13UTC febrero 13UTC 2018  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, For Sellers, Move-Up Buyers,Pricing   Según el último Índice de los precios de las casas de CoreLogic, los precios han apreciado a nivel nacional en un 6.9 % año tras año desde diciembre 2016 a diciembre 2017. Esto marca el quinto mes consecutivo con al menos un aumento de 6.9 %.
El Dr. Frank Nothaft, economista principal de CoreLogic dio una idea de la razón detrás de la gran apreciación,
“El número de casas para la venta ha permanecido muy bajo. El aumento laboral bajo la tasa de … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Low Inventory Pushes Ventura County Home Prices Higher #TimeToSell - 02/13/18 09:59 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
According to CoreLogic’s latest Home Price Index, prices appreciated by 6.9% year-over-year from December 2016 to December 2017 on a national level. This marks the fifth month in a row with … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Ventura County Home Buyers Can Avoid Closing Chaos #TimeToBuy - 02/12/18 10:54 AM
Avoiding Closing Chaos, Ventura County Home Buyers #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor
Your Real Estate Update   FROM CHRIS B JOHNSON      

Ventura County Home Values
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHome&PayNoCommiss
Read more.   5 Reasons It’ll Pay to Sell Your Home Early in 2018

Read more.   How to Prepare Your Finances for Homeownership
Preparing your finances for home ownership begins the day someone decides they actually want to buy a hom...
Read more.   Infographic: Home Buyer Blunders


find bank owned reo homes: #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor La razón #1 para vender ahora antes de la primavera - 02/12/18 09:14 AM
La razón #1 para vender ahora antes de la primavera  12 12UTC febrero 12UTC 2018  For Sellers, Move-Up Buyers   El precio de cualquier producto (incluyendo bienes raíces residencial) se determina por ‘la oferta y la demanda’. Si muchas personas están buscando comprar un producto y la oferta de ese producto es limitada, el precio de ese producto aumenta.
Según la Asociación nacional de Realtors (NAR por sus siglas en inglés) la oferta de las viviendas para la venta aumenta drásticamente cada primavera. Como ejemplo, aquí esta lo que paso con el inventario de las viviendas a comienzo de 2017:

Poner su … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: The #1 Reason to Sell Your Ventura County Before Spring #TimeToSell - 02/12/18 09:07 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
The price of any item (including residential real estate) is determined by ‘supply and demand.’ If many people are looking to buy an item and the supply of … (0 comments)

find bank owned reo homes: Home Values & Mortgage Rate Update 4 Ventura County #TimeToMoveUp - 02/10/18 10:06 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor #SellersPayZEROCommission #ListYourHomeandPayNoCommission.  Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve....
Weekly Mortgage Rate Update Early in the week, mortgage rates were driven by massive swings in the stock market, but the net result was small. Later, … (1 comments)

Chris B Johnson REALTOR®, 5 Star Rated REALTOR® Quality, Not Quantity (Allison James Elite)

Chris B Johnson REALTOR®

5 Star Rated REALTOR® Quality, Not Quantity

Moorpark, CA

More about me…

Allison James Elite

Address: 587 W. LOS ANGELES AVENUE, Moorpark, California, 93021

Mobile: 805.208.0823




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