
RE/MAX or Keller Williams

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Southland II

If you were going to change companies, would you go to RE/MAX or Keller Williams? i have been with RE/MAX for almost 2 years. The firm I am at is disolving and I have to make a choice to go to one of theother RE/MAX offices in the area, or somewhere else. I have narrowed it down considerably and my only other choice at the moment is a Keller Williams office. So, give me some advice, my fellow Realtors! Thanks!

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Brinette Holdren - Residential Licensed Broker
The Holdren Group, Inc. - Manhattan Beach, CA


This recently happened to me in Bend, Oregon where my ReMax office closed with less than 30 days notice. What a dilemma. I went onto the MLS after interviewing other brokearges and looked into who had the most closings by the most people. You don't want to go to a brokerage where only the principal brokers are making the sales. Also, you don't want to be paying a high amount of rent in this market. Who has the market share? Look up closed sales and listings.

I ended up going with a great brokerage run by Prudential Northwest Properties in Bend. We are now growing strong. One of the things I love about Prudential is their huge amount of support in office and in their online products.

I wish you luck with this challenging decision! The flip side is that you can change without feeling as though you weren't loyal to ReMax. It may be a good thing for you. Differentiate yourself!

May 12, 2009 03:05 AM
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX


Why limit to only two choices?  Interview many and try to make the best choice.

May 12, 2009 03:30 AM
Pat Champion
John Roberts Realty - Eustis, FL
Call the "CHAMPION" for all your real estate needs

I think where you put your licenses is important interview and find the best office that suits your needs.

May 12, 2009 03:40 AM
Lisa Kuyath
Re/Max Southland II - Benson, NC

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the comments. Now, off to scour my MLS...

May 13, 2009 02:20 AM
Deb Clifton
Coldwell Banker Advantage - Clayton, NC
Broker/Realtor, e-PRO, CNS personal opinion is you need to go over to Coldwell Banker Advantage and work with me. I know...been there done that. Good Luck! I know you will make the right choice. The office you choose will be lucky to get you. Have a good weekend.

May 15, 2009 03:16 PM
Lisa Kuyath
Re/Max Southland II - Benson, NC

Oh, you know I miss working with you!!! Enjoy your weekend!

May 16, 2009 05:48 AM