Special offer

27198 N. 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85266

Services for Real Estate Pros with PowerVision360 Productions, LLC

Now that you have the listing, what can you do with it?  Recently I was helping a fellow Real Tour Vision Dealer while he was on vacation by filling in for him.  I had the pleasure of working with Monique Walker of Re/Max Achievers of Phoenix, Arizona.  Monique was relisting a beautiful property at 27198 N. 73rd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85266 for the client. Monique was using the dealer for the first time, so I wanted to make sure that the dealer really looked great to her by providing great service and great photos and great GOOGLE JUICE!!!.

What can be done for a listing using photography?  

1. Use a professional photographer who specializes in architectural or real estate photography.

2. Don't skimp on the package being offered - mix in twilight shots and panoramics for that extra punch. Add lots of stills of the home's best features or additional rooms. Be sure to indicate that you want High Definition Photography.

3. If you are not a showcase Realtor.com agent - spend the $27.00 to upload the tour to the site - it creates great google juice and it is the site that most people go to on the internet while looking for a new home.

4. Be sure to create a virtual tour, a slide show and if you can a video.  

5. Be sure to share the listing, tour, slide show and video with every site you can including blogs like Active Rain.

We did this with Real Tour Vision's Virtual Tour.  We did a high definition virtual tour that included a mix of stills, twilight shots and panoramics.  

We added a brochure pdf just in case someone wanted to download the information on the home and remind themselves of the photographs.  

Also, we added the slide show in high definition (including the ability to be full screen).  The Real Tour Vision slide show has the ability to load the photos and start the show at the same time, making it one of the fastest slide shows to start in the industry.

And, just to make sure we had extra Google juice and to make sure that the home showed great on Vimeo and YouTube, we added an animoto slide show in high definition.  

As to sharing the video, we did our Exposure Engine Lite and did the following:  Blogged to our website blog, blogged to our Wordpress Blog, Blogged to our Active Rain Blog.  We uploaded the tour to our 2 websites.  We created an agent gallery for Monique that she could send the link to customers.  We posted the listing to several websites such as Trulia, FaceBook, YouTube and Vimeo.

Finally, to help Monique show her client that she is hard at work, we have sent her automatic hit reports on the virtual tour (already the tour has been up only two days and has 45 hits.) Our report breaks the hits by source and by page visited.  We would love for Monique to have this tour be a one property website with its own custom domain name and will be talking to her about this as well.  

Hope this has been helpful - remember, if you are an agent - it is your professional duty to the listing client to provide the best possible chance of selling the listing quickly.  Every time you drop the price as a marketing tool - the client loses money and you lose commission.  A $1000-$5000 drop in price does not bring a sale any sooner.  A $100-500 one time charge for services helps bring more people in as potential buyers quicker and creates excitement and buzz on the property.   

Suzanne Feinberg

RTV Virtual tour including Slide Show:    http://rtvpix.com/RE-5567-V5UZ56-01

RTV Hi Definition Slide Show including Virtual Tour: http://rtvpix.com/slideshow/1795/

Animoto Video (HiDef or Regular) with call to action at end:        http://video214.com/play/xo8ERHzZHnaKl8J4T2ZNlw/s/dark

MONIQUE WALKER RE/MAX ACHIEVERS:   http://www.moniquesells.com





Posted by

Brad Feinberg

Website:  PowerVision360.com

Email: theteam@powervision360.com

Tel:    (602) 819-2369