Special Places in Temecula, CA - The Corn Maze, Harvest & Pumpkin Festival
Part 2 of my visit to Big Horse Feed and my interview with Rose, Corona, the delightful owner of this unique business in Temecula, CA. Hopefully videos will come soon, but as I mentioned yesterday, the audio is an issue and will require some time in editing. :-( My apologies...
The Annual Corn Maze is an incredible 12 acre maze cut into a corn field. Not just any pattern... but the patriotic motif shown here. Just the layout and design of this are beyond me. I asked Rose how they managed to cut it out of the uge cornfield, and she said if she told me, they'd have to kill me! Uh-oh... guess that's on a "need-to-know basis"! In keeping with the ongoing patriotic theme, military familes get a 50% discount.
Rose alo told me during our interview that during the Corn Maze season, an unusual number of military aircraft do flyovers - presumably to see the maze! How awesome is that!
My thanks to Rose for her gracious help with these articles, for letting me take so many photos at the site, and for permission to use a few photos from their website, bighorsecornmaze.com. Check out the previous post for many more photos of Big Horse - it is FAR more than a mere feed store. You can shop for gifts for all your horsey friends there - jewelry, books, clothing, boots, and more in addition to the typical tack and farm supply items.
The 2010 Corn Maze as seen from the air.
Take my word for it - Big Horse and the Corn Maze are very cool. Stop by for a visit! Lots of educational events for the kids at the Harvet Festival, too.
Come and get lost for the day - or an hour!
The Annual Corn Maze at Big Horse Feed and Farm Supply!
Hours & General Admission
Weekends: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Weekdays: 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Maze Entry: $9.00 (Last Maze entry is 3:45pm)
Children 3 & Under: FREE
Kids Combo: Maze admission plus (3) activities for only $13
Kids Activities
• Western Town Jolly Jumps
• Tractor Rides
• Pony Rides
• Mini Maze
• Corn Cannon
• Pumpkin Bowling
• Corn Box
• Face Painting
• & more
Military receive 1/2 price Maze admission & Activities with I.D. for their immediate family
Group Rates are available.
Temecula, CA 92592
(951) 303-8177
