
I'm singing in the Rain, just singing in the rain....

Real Estate Agent with Realty Texas

Dance, dance, twirl, bow, swing around a lamp post.  Ta Dahhhh.  Can you tell I am a happy camper this morning?  I am happy, the market is good here in Austin, TX.  It was like January 2nd hit and the gates were open!!  I guess people finally realized HELLO....rates have never been lower, homes are priced reasonably, you will never know if you will be at a certain job forever and you can't predict the future...

It is going to be a great year for Real Estate!! Hope you enjoy it...

Anne Hensel
South Beaches Real Estate Professionals - Saint Petersburg, FL
Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island

I couldn't agree more. My phone is riging off the hock.

Jan 19, 2012 12:46 AM
Rob D. Shepherd
RETIRED - Florence, OR

We are off to the best start in years! The last two days have been bad caused by something I have never seen. Winds over 100 MPH. We are stayin in.

Jan 19, 2012 01:59 AM