It's Blooper Day, friends. Spelling and grammar still seem to be a challenge to many...with some hilarious results. Thanks to all of you who contributed these great gaffes from the MLS and local ads:
A Pig in A Poke
"House on downslop" (This must be a pigsty.)
"Soda in den not included" (How about a martini in the living room?)
"Seller retains water rites" (Hence the baptismal font on the front porch.)
"First house on ben in road" (Ben may have a good lawsuit.)
"Yard equipment strays" (Try turning off the motor on the mower.)
Just for Kicks
"Buyer can kick appliances" (Seller should kick your a_ _.)
"House passed" (I usually blame it on the dog.)
"Hillslide offers great views" (I hope it also offers a backhoe and a crane.)
"Buyers look no father" (This must be the mother of all houses.)
"Mable cannot be removed per law" (That explains the woman camping on the porch.)
"Tall eukaliptuss in back" (Gesundheit!)
Nothing to See Here Folks
"Must tee at night" (If your wife buys that excuse, she's teeing at night, too!)
"Come for wine and chess reseption" (I suspect you've already popped the cork.)
"Condo in new high." (So is the agent.)
"Hairy seller needs sold" (Hairy seller needs a barber.)
"Caution Balcony is." (Hello? Bueller? Bueller??)
Goodnight Gracie
"Please call for intel" (Thank you, Mr. Putin.)
"Turtle s tank behind" (I'm sure yours stank, too.)
"Near privates schools" (The only education I want for my privates involves Ryan Gosling.)
That's it for this week, folks. Remember: Spell Well and Sell.
GWEN BANTA - Sotheby's Global Advisor – China
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