rain radio: I'm Taking a Page (Postcard) out of Russel Ray's Book! - 08/31/11 04:40 AM
I'm Taking a Page Postcard out of Russel Ray's Book! Russel Ray seems to have the corner on marketing.
When he was on Rain radio with Bob Stewart he talked about his first year as a home inspector and how much business he got from certain marketing methods. One of the things he talked about was sending postcards out and how he finally had to stop sending them out because he got too busy. Recently I wrote another 'Fun With MLS' post and decided that day that I was going to do what Russel talked about and now have mailed … (19 comments)

rain radio: Rain Camp: Day two, Scene One! Holy-Information-Overload-Batman! - 06/22/11 05:57 AM
Rain Camp: Day two, Scene One! Holy-Information-Overload-Batman! AAAuuugh! My head is going to explode! Too.  Much.  In-for-may-shun... Another beautiful day in Seattle, sun, sea, breeze, man; am I one lucky bug! I get to walk from my Hotel to the conference center, I took the scenic route (read a wrong turn) adding an extra 10 minutes to the original 20,  but  still made it before Seaside Sally! :D

Today we are on the main floor, sunshine streaming in and a huge … (17 comments)