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Real Estate stats for Overland Park, Kansas zip code 66223

Real Estate Agent with ReeceNichols Olathe

The real estate stats for Overland Park, Kansas zip code 66223 in the 3rd quarter 2007 are:

The average sales price is down 4.78% to $316,600 from the previous quarter. The total number of homes sold is down 34.09% to 58 homes from the previous quarter. The average days on the market for homes that sold in the 3rd quarter was 85 days and the average home sold for 98.4% of list price.

To view the complete Johnson County real estate stats for the 3rd quarter of 2007, go to: http://stats.dowelltaggart.com/

To view Overland Park, KS. homes for sale, go to: http://overlandpark.dowelltaggart.com/

Information provided by the Dowell Taggart Team http://www.dowelltaggart.com/