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Needville, TX 77461 Market Report for January

Real Estate Agent


The median list price for Needville is currently $300,000. There are also 23 properties on the market. That has increased from last month. So if you're looking for a home, they're going quick. Compared to Missouri City, this is a very large difference in the number of homes we have on the market. Which means, as of right now, it is both a Seller's and Buyer's Market Advantage. If you're thinking about buying or selling a home in the Needville area, it might be your time to shine.

Right now, our average for properties to stay on the market is 127 days. And compared to last week, this has gone up. Which means homes are starting to slow down. Also, the age of the listing homes has been averaged to 27 years. 

26% of properties that have had to decrease their price. But there could be numerous reasons for that to happen. Which is very different from Missouri City at 29%.

The highest listing price listed is $1,490,000. Which isn't very different compared to Missouri City. And the least expensive home is $106,000. 

Here is your weekly Needville Market Report provided by Joy Roussell! 
If you are interested in any properties in the Needville area, give me a call or email me!

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“As a dedicated Real Estate professional, I pledge to you my time, my resources, and a guarantee to make your buying or selling experience a wonderful one”.

Realtor in the Greater Sugar Land, Missouri City, Katy, Richmond, Rosenberg, Fulshear, and Needville, TX area.


Joy Roussell, 713-898-3868