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How To Close A Loan In 7 Days…

Mortgage and Lending with Berkshire Lending, LLC

small brett pic How To Close A Loan In 7 Days...

In spite of what you may have heard – it is possible to close a loan quickly.

I had a borrower contact me recently. She said that she was purchasing a house – and she wanted to close quickly.

She signed her loan package on a Tuesday.

…and, she got me everything I had asked her for from the checklist I gave her that same day.

I ordered the appraisal that same day.

We were fully approved and clear to close on her loan by the afternoon of the following Wednesday!

…with a weekend thrown in there – that’s 7 business days.

The key to this quick turnaround is that I had everything I needed from the borrower to get that loan into underwriting from day one.

…I just wanted you to know what was possible for a quick closing the next time you wanted to close a loan quickly.

That’s it for today!

Have a good day today! …and thanks for reading.


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