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Easy Way Around Disputed Accounts…

Mortgage and Lending with Berkshire Lending, LLC

small-brett-pic6I want to give you a solution to a problem I see every day.

Disputed accounts.

Usually when I see someone with alot of disputed credit accounts its because a borrower has hired a company to try to “improve” their credit scores.

Often they are surprised to learn when they apply for a mortgage their loan officer, or the underwriter will want the disputes to be removed.

If you have alot of disputed accounts removing these disputes can be quite a chore. …and, it can take alot of time.

If the clock is ticking on your closing date this can often mean disputed accounts can kill a contract. …you just don’t have the time to remove them.

Here is one way to solve this problem without removing a single dispute:

Ask your loan officer to have the loan underwritten as a manually underwritten FHA loan. The underwriter can manually underwrite an FHA loan with the disputes in place. …they don’t have to be removed.

Problem solved.

I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading!


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Point well taken but, . . . it is always better for the buyer to resolve the conflicts in preparation for home buying, thus the value of pre-approval.

Oct 26, 2015 10:18 PM