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Refer Back to the Obvious or Miss it While Digging too Deep for the Not So Obvious

Mortgage and Lending with Premier Nationwide Lending RMLO - License #206799

Thought I would share a random thought that has been in my head a number of times in the last couple weeks as I have had appointments with new Real Estate alliances...usually when I am discussing what they do to get "NOW" business. 

Whether it be in relationship, workout discipline, business, or spiritual, the largest/highest valued rewards required work that demanded faith.  For example:  You do "this or that" every day over an extended period of time, and you may not know exactly where it came from or which "event" was what you did that was the single responsible variable that rewards you in your business.  It's like hand writing letters after every meeting, small or large, that you go to.  While you hand write the card and stamp and all that, you may feel like, this person can't refer me...do it anyway, it'll make that person feel good and that should be enough to make you feel good/accomplished about investing the time in writing it.  Working for the head Boss, God, he brings the largest rewards for the faith we put into our life.  It's a life style of faith, and my opinion is that my business is a life style of faith.  I believe you do the things that are right, and it may force you in the moment to reflect on an immediate loss, but the faith you put into doing what is right over and over again will reward you many times over in the long term.  It's a life investment.

Again, this it obvious to most Christians.  On the other hand, I talk to professed Christians that get so caught up in disparity of paying their bills in a tough market that they can't see the obvious.  So, if this message brings some focus to just a couple people reading this, that's great.  Get back to what will and has always brought reward.