
I held an open house today, only had one visitor. Was it successful? I say yes!

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Access

I held an open house today, only had one visitor.  Was it successful? I say yes!

I held an open house today at one of my listings that is located in a gated (restricted) retirement community.  I know what you are thinking...Who holds an open house in a community that has restricted access?  Well, the HOA in this particular community is kind enough to hold a neighborhood open house once a month.  They invite all agents and homeowners who are selling their houses to hold them open and they allow the public open access to the neighborhood and lodge facilities. 

Today was their monthly open house so I did my advertising, purchased some munchies and beverages, printed my brochures and got all snazzed up for my big event.  Out went the signs and the balloons and open we were! 

So was my two hours sitting at a vacant house worth it?  Was my time and effort well spent? Well I think it was!  Did I have a rush of folks coming in to buy my listing? No.  Did I have a large crowd of potential clients and prospects lined up around the corner? No.  So why you are probably asking am I calling today a success?  Well, because I had one couple (yes I said one) come in, eat 2 cookies and share a bottled water.  They spent about 20 minutes looking around the house, signed in with all contact information, and left appearing very interested in the property. 

Oh, did I mention they are thinking about selling the house they currently own AND are not working with a REALTOR(r)? 

So yes, I do call today a very successful day! 

Here's to a great week! 

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Lizette Fitzpatrick
Lizette Realty - Richmond KY - Lexington, KY
Lizette Realty, Lexington KY MLS - Kentucky Homes

You just never know who might walk in and decide they would prefer to work with you.

Sep 26, 2010 03:46 PM
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Kingston and the 1000 Islands Area

Jeanna -  I hope it all works out for you.  A possible sale plus a possible listing - lots of possibilities!

Sep 26, 2010 03:46 PM
Faina Reinhardt - Manhattan, NY

Please update us how this turned out! Best of luck.  I prefer quality over quantity as well.

Sep 26, 2010 03:52 PM
Richard Weisser
Richard Weisser Realty - Newnan, GA
Richard Weisser Retired Real Estate Professional


Open houses don't really work here in Newnan. It is rare that we would even get one visitor.

Sep 26, 2010 04:03 PM
Steve Shatsky
Dallas, TX

Hi Jeanna... like they say, it is quality, not quantity!  Congratulations on your successful day.

Sep 26, 2010 06:07 PM
Gail Sterback
Coldwell Banker Select Professionals, Lancaster PA - Mountville, PA
LancasterRelocation Specialist

Did an open house yesterday - 2 visitors!  Successful day - YES!  Both loved the house, but both also have homes to sell and do not have a realtor.  2 good leads with names, emails and phone numbers!  For 2 hours of work, not bad.  I'll take it!

Sep 27, 2010 12:52 AM
Gail Sterback
Coldwell Banker Select Professionals, Lancaster PA - Mountville, PA
LancasterRelocation Specialist

Did an open house yesterday - 2 visitors!  Successful day - YES!  Both loved the house, but both also have homes to sell and do not have a realtor.  2 good leads with names, emails and phone numbers!  For 2 hours of work, not bad.  I'll take it!

Sep 27, 2010 12:52 AM
Jeanna Martinez
RE/MAX Access - Schertz, TX

Lizette - That is so true! =)

Susan - Me too! Thanks so much!

Faina - I much prefer quality too! I will post on how it turns out!

Richard - I haven't really had much success it all depends on the neighborhood and location!

Steve - Thank you very much!

Gail - Congrats on your great day too!  All it take is one buyer =) and I agree...2 hours very well spent!

Sep 27, 2010 04:14 AM
Janice Ankrett
Burlington, ON
Staging Professional

I have heard this from other agents as well. The best thing about open houses is the new clients you gain.

Sep 27, 2010 12:01 PM