
Fancy a Million Dollars?

Real Estate Agent with Raleigh Cary Realty NC Broker #178638

An Australian friend sent me a marketing promotion from a real estate company Down Under.  The name of the company is LJ Hooker (I'm guessing that "hooker" doesn't mean in Australia what it means here).  If you call for a market analysis, you get entered into drawings for some very fancy prizes!

I got all excited!  I was halfway through filling out the request form when I thought to check the Terms and Conditions:  * Australian residents 18+ only.  Must own at least one property in Australia. *   So bummed.  I was totally going to fly down to spin that wheel!

Oh well.  An Australian dollar is worth only 75 cents American.  So it wasn't really a million dollars anyway -- not on this continent.



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Helping nice people get from where they are to where they want to be.



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Lou Ludwig
Ludwig & Associates - Boca Raton, FL
Designations Earned CRB, CRS, CIPS, GRI, SRES, TRC


A very interesting marketing concept.

Good luck and success.

Lou Ludwig

Sep 09, 2016 11:02 AM
Dianne Goode

LJ Hooker is one of the dominant franchise names in Australian real estate.  But there are no buyers agent -- just listing agents.  Buyers are on their own.

Sep 15, 2016 12:48 AM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

That would get lots of people signing up for a CMA. I bet that is a very successful marketing technique, Dianne.

Sep 09, 2016 11:12 AM
Dianne Goode

Right??  Australia right now is an inflated market with virtually no inventory, so listingsa re golden.


Sep 15, 2016 12:49 AM
Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

$750,000 American still wouldn't be too shabby.  I once worked with a great gal from Australia.  She was of Indian descent.  It was so odd to see this beautiful lady in a sari, speaking with an Aussie accent, who thought we ought to close the office at 2:00 pm each day and find a pub somewhere!

Sep 09, 2016 11:30 AM
Dianne Goode

Australian cities are very diverse, with significant Asian and Middle Eastern communities.

Sep 15, 2016 12:50 AM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

Still would be better than a poke in the eye...It would change my life a lot.

Sep 09, 2016 12:09 PM
Dianne Goode

Good point.  I wouldn't turn it down, either.

Sep 15, 2016 12:50 AM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Yes the Aussies push the buttons, do you remember the virtually naked woman in the multi million dollar home? That was an Aussie marketing ploy too...Endre

Sep 09, 2016 03:49 PM
Dianne Goode

I don't remember that, but as it was an effective ad if you still remember it years later!  

Sep 15, 2016 12:51 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thanks for sharing this experience.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sep 09, 2016 08:06 PM
Dianne Goode

Thanks for stopping by to comment!

Sep 15, 2016 12:51 AM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

We have very strict advertising rules here in Texas. I wonder if there are RESPA rules in Australia. 

What a bummer - you got all excited for nothing. I would have felt like you did! I hope you get a good sale ASAP to make you forget all about it. 

Sep 17, 2016 07:31 AM
Dianne Goode

I'm not sure how Fair Housing and RESPA are handled Down Under.  Most homes are sold at auction -- if you want to do inspetions, you have to do them beforehand.  Very different.

Sep 23, 2016 02:58 AM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Diana not a big fan of pushing the envelope might have been memorable but not my style , that is the Ausie naked woman home for sale...

Sep 18, 2016 04:47 AM
Dianne Goode

Sex sells.  I don't think that indicates a high level of consumer discernment, though.  You don't get a naked lady with the house!

Sep 23, 2016 02:59 AM
Debbie Laity
CinaJones Real Estate - Cedaredge, CO
Your Real Estate Resource for Delta County

I think that's a great promo idea, Dianne. 

You know you can't win if you don't play, but I guess you would be disqualified anyway. 

Sep 20, 2016 12:28 PM
Dianne Goode

Very cruel of them to limit who can play!  But in all fairness,  LJ Hooker couldn't list a home in the US.

Sep 23, 2016 03:00 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Australlians do some very creative marketing, eh?!  Too funny that they eliminate non-homeowners too, Dianne!

Dec 12, 2016 06:01 AM