Spooky Feature in Your Smart Home
You're sitting on the couch watching your favorite shows when all of a sudden the thermostat shuts off! "What happened," you're thinking? After all, you just bought this home and moved in a few days ago? What could possibly be wrong?
You had a home inspection, a termite inspection, and everything checked out. You were confident everything that was going to be fixed was fixed, so how could this happen?
The explanation is quite simple actually. The thermostat in your new home is a smart thermostat. It's the kind that you can control from your cell phone and program to turn off and on according to your preferences. You can program it from your cell phone.
Turns out the program for your smart thermostat is set to the previous owners specifications, habits and temperature.
What to do now? It's actually pretty simple. Look up the model and perform a factory reset. You'll have to set up your own preferences and paswords, but at least you'll learn the system now that you own the home.
If you go to sell the home, make sure your agent uses the
Smart Home Checklist to review with the new buyer of your home. It will save a few surprises!