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Real Estate Broker/Owner with Terry Bishop Realty LLC

    I've had a bit of a hiatus from blogging, and if truth be told, I miss it.  But I stopped blogging in January/February.  I became paralyzed and found myself unable to do much of anything ...  oh I took real estate classes, and was not literally paralyzed, but I was in a real blue funk, as if something had sucked the joie de vivre from my innards.  

   Needing to get out of this melancholy, I finally realized the root and the extent of my problem.  Congress was trying to get the stimlus bill passed ... that bill which was suppose to be a panacea to the problems of the economy...but seems to be ladened with pork...GM and Chrysler were in the throes of financial crisis. Much had been made of the bonuses to AIG, and then the powers that be gave Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonuses far in excess of those to AIG...and everyplace there was news, there was a comparision to the Great Depression.  Barney Frank and Chis Dodd paraded pompously in front of the cameras with their "just so"  hair, seemingly oblivious to the true impact of what they had orchestrated years earlier.  Connect the dots and cause and effect are not a part of their thought processes.

  The sound bites were inane...the people writing about the Great Depression did not have much of a background in economics, they seemed to parrot what the members of the House and Senate desired.  The kicker was the more than 1200 page stimulus bill which no members of Congress read...but upon which they voted.   I didn't think that this was democracy as I believed...I didn't think it was responsible government. 

     It was pandering to the whims of lobbyism and I understand that lobbyism will go on ad infinitum...as soon as people get elected to the House or the Senate, they begin filling their war chest for the next run...and so we don't necessarily have thoughtful government...we have goverment based upon what interest group  can pony up the most cash...or so it seems to me. 

   And so I did the only sane thing I could...I stopped reading the newspaper and I turned off the news.  Alas, it saddens me but at every instance, I will tell people, look beyond the sound bites...the press releases, and think for yourself.  Don't believe everything you read or hear...not that I did.  But I suddenly realized what an impact the news has upon people...and how important little gestures are in getting to the truth...and so I am blogging again...about Tucson, about real estate...and maybe once and a while, a tangent like this!

I posted this on my website blog:  http://www.terrybishop.com/blog July 12, 2009.