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About Princeton Minnesota

Mortgage and Lending with Waterstone Mortgage NMLS#186434 NMLS# 274129

If you are looking to purchase a home in Princeton, Minnesota here are some demographics of the area that I thought would be useful to you. If you are moving to the area and would like help with financing or would like me to refer a real estate agent to you I would be happy to do that for you as well.

Princeton Minnesota
Population:12400Major City:PRINCETON
Households:4584County:MILLE LACS
Average Household Income:$48,272State:MN
Average Commute Time:29.7 Minutes
Household Details
Total Housing Units:4748Total Households:4584
Total Population in Households:12246Total Households with a member under 18:1783
Total Households with a member over 65:1266Total Families in Households:3374
Total 2-Person Families in Households:1410Total 3-Person Families in Households:681
Total 4-Person Families in Households:758Total 5-Person Families in Households:360
Total 6-Person Families in Households:116Total 7+ Person Families in Households:49
Total Households with Non-Family Members:1169Total 1-Person Non-Family Households:936
Total 2-Person Non-Family Households:187Total 3-Person Non-Family Households:26
Total 4-Person Non-Family Households:15Total 5-Person Non-Family Households:4
Total 6-Person Non-Family Households:1Total 7+ Person Non-Family Households:0
Family Details
Families:3418Families w/Children Under 18 Yrs:68
Families w/Children Under 5 Yrs:23Families w/Female Householder - no Husband:42
Commuting Details
Commuting Workers 16 or Over:6637Drive Alone:5188
Carpooled:925Public TransportationPublic Transportation:5
Walked:161Other Means:50
Work at Home:308Mean Travel Time (minutes):29.7
Employment Details
Employed Civilian Pop 16 Yrs and Over:6691Mgmt and Professional:1580
Employed Civilian Females:3171Employed Civilian Females w/Children Under 6 Yrs:1021
Service:916Sales and Office:1561
Farming, Fishing and Forestry:58Construction, Extraction and Maintenance:853
Production, Transportation and Material Moving:1723Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting:187
Wholesale Trade:141Retail Trade:806
Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities:400Employment Information:146
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental/Leasing:220Prof., Scientific, Mgmt, Admin and Waste Mgmt:300
Employment, Education, Health, and Social Services:1146Arts, Entertainment Recreation, Accomodation and Food Services:273
Employment Other_Services:331Public Administration:213
Private Wage and Salary:5342Government:754
Self-Employed - not Incorporated:571Unpaid Family Workers:24
Income Details
Families:3418Family Average Income:52775
Family Per Capita Income:19971Families In Poverty:91
Female, Fulltime Median Earnings:24720Male, Fulltime Median Earnings:37302
With Social Security Income:1091Mean Social Security Income:10869
With Supplemental Security Income:91Mean Supplemental Security Income:6116
With Public Assistance:111Mean Public Assistance Income:2686
Mean Retirement Income:11587Individuals in Poverty:570
Less than $10,000:66$10,000 to $14,999:73
$15,000 to $24,999:359$25,000 to $34,999:385
$35,000 to $49,999:670$50,000 to $74,999:1050
Families Grand To 100 Grand:530$100,000 to $149,999:206
$150,000 to $199,999:53$200,000 or More:26

Information Courtesy of Shawn Gerhardson with Homestead Mortgage and the hbm.

If you would like to estimate payments click on my mortgage calculator