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Selected for a sales tax audit in Hamden, CT

Education & Training with Tax Rep LLC

So your business in Hamden, CT has been selected for a sales tax audit by the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, or DRS.

Time to panic?

Absolutely not.  The key to any any sales tax audit is being able to back-up your numbers.  When our office assists businesses in Hamden, CT with a CT DRS sales tax audit there are a number of items we request from the client, including:

  • Copies of the sales tax returns
  • Bank statements
  • Cash register tapes or Z Tapes
  • Vendor purchase invoices

Accoding to Connecticut regulations, businesses are required to maintain cash register receipts as part of their books and records.  If a business in Hamden, CT fails to do so, the Connecticut DRS may use any reasonable method to reconstruct the businesses books and records, including tird party purchase information and bank deposits.

The first step in handling a Connecticut DRS Sales Tax Audit in Hamden, CT is to get professional representation.  Our office takes on new clients and immediately begins the process of assisting the client with pulling together the necessary support the DRS auditor will request.

If you own a business in Hamden, CT or elsewhere and have been selected for a sales tax audit by the CT DRS or have any questions or concerns about a sales tax audit, I would be happy to help.  Please feel free to contact me anytime at (860) 657-9040 or e-mail me at egreen@convicerpercy.com.

Eric L. Green, Esq.

Tax Counsel

Convicer & Percy LLP

Phone: (860) 657-9040

E-Mail: egreen@convicerpercy.com

Website: www.convicerpercy.com

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