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Hit and Run Marketing with a Zombie Attitude

Services for Real Estate Pros with BeFirst Media Group

Hit and Run Marketing

With a Zombie Attitude


Does your social media-marketing plan represent Hit and Run with a Zombie Attitude? 

Do you jump from strategy to strategy, never giving a particular one a chance to work?

 If you are staying with one plan, are you engaged with your audience? Are you answering your @ Replies and Direct Messages on Twitter?  Are you answering your Facebook emails and commenting on wall postings?

Do you reply to comments on your blog?


With so many strategies out there, it is extremely important that you focus on a plan to expand and energize your business to create your road map to success!


You must take into account that your road map won't go in a straight line. Expect to make adjustments along the way. A good plan is going to take at least 120 days to really begin to see the results of your website becoming a 24/7 marketing machine. 




Your road map must be comprehensive as in using a multitude of platforms to reach and engage your target audience.


 If you have chosen Twitter presentations, make sure your postings are going to your Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, Viadeo, and other platforms you deem important. 

There are endless platforms to choose from and they are rapidly changing with new ones popping up everyday.  

It is important to pay attention!


                    Using Twitter is an Art, here is my advice to you:

- Do not bombard your followers with Dm's or a constant stream of tweets to purchase your product or service. 

-Take the time to have conversations with other "Tweeters".

-Reply to all of the @replies.

-Re-tweet other postings,

-  Create and Use lists.

Remember ...Postings can be Re-tweeted from a list several weeks later.

Do not take the Zombie attitude!

    Now let's ad Video Marketing to the road map to success!

Video marketing is a very important part of the road map.  Video advertising leaves a visual impression of a product or brand on your audience.  Videos can leave a heart-felt impression upon your audience.  You want them to become emotionally involved with you or your company,  "A Brand really does live in a person's heart and not in their head". 

To create a road map to success is a full time job. 

This is where many entrepreneurs are misguided.  They try to do it all by putting up a tweet a day or a blog every four to six weeks, and so on.  They get that Zombie glaze in their eyes and over whelmed.

 This where a Social Media Company that offers a Virtual Assistant Program can energize and expand your company into a positive success. 

Delegating your marketing to the experts, expands your bottom line and allows you to:

-> Do what you love and are good at.

->Allows more time for yourself and your customers. 


Don't be a Zombie.  

For more information: www.befirstinc.com

Or tom@befirstinc.com