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Home Sales - Brentwood Village - Madison Alabama - Oct 1st

Real Estate Broker/Owner with RE/MAX Legacy

The following information is the sold statistics for "Brentwood Village" in Madison Alabama.  East Limestone School district.   The primary builders are Mossy Oak Construction, Nicholas Homes and Southern Concepts.    The community has new all brick homes that are under five years old.    Seventeen of the homes were new construction and three of the homes were existing.

 The information below reflects sales since 10/1/2009 - 10/1/2010

Total # of Listings 17
Lowest Price Listing $204,000
Highest Price Listing $358,900
Average Price $269,625
Avg. Price/SqFt $96
Avg. Days on Market 112

Lowest price per square foot was:  $84.89

Highest price per square foot was:   $113.05

If you would like more information on buying or selling a home in Brentwood Village - please contact Gray Winn at 256-527-3611.    http://www.winn-team.com/brentwood-village.aspx