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Santa Clarita Market Statistics for Valencia California

Services for Real Estate Pros with Buildalegacygroup #01089189
Technorati Profile The following statistics are a side by side comparison of the Valencia market from 7-1-2006 to 9-19-2006 compared to the same period this year in 2007 of single family homes.

2006 Statistics

Total sales for this period 146

List price average $690,000

List price compared to Sales price 98%

Sales price average $679,000

Average Days on market is 57

2007 Statistics

Total sales for this period 127  a drop of 14% from the same period last year

List price average of $686,000 a price drop of 1%

List price compared to sale price 97%

Sales price average of $667,000

Average Days on market is 57

The most notable change between this period and the same period last year was the number of sales which dropped 14%.  Average sales prices dropped very little and the days on market are the same as last year.  Overall for this period the general market conditions are not signficantly different for this period than last year.  The market pressure however will continue to push prices lower as we go into the slower period of the year. 

All views, opinions, observations are strictly my own and do not reflect the views of Keller Williams VIP Properties.

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Alan Kirkpatrick
Austin Texas Homes - Round Rock, TX
Alan in Austin
Despite the news those numbers look pretty good Pablo. Thanks for your post. That is encouraging.
Sep 18, 2007 12:38 PM
Pablo Santibanez
Buildalegacygroup - Santa Clarita, CA

Hi Alan,

Your right it is encouraging for the Valencia community her in the city of Santa Clarita.  Keep in mind it is a snaphot in time and not necesarily indicative of the future market.  I was pleasantly surprised that the numbers were not significantly different from the previous year. 

On another note: I have heard a lot of good things about Austin Texas I have it on my to-do list to visit your city soon.


Sep 18, 2007 03:26 PM