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Check out the demographics for Coppell, Texas or any other city!

Social Indicators
Educational Achievement:Marital Status:
(among people 25 years or older)(among people 15 years or older)
Less than 9th grade: 1%Never married: 18.5%
9th-12th grade (nongrad): 2.4%Married: 71.1%
High school graduate: 9.6%Separated: 0.8%
Some college: 19.5%Widowed: 1.7%
Associate degree: 5%Divorced: 7.8%
Bachelors degree: 43.4%Stability/Newcomer Appeal:
Graduate/Professional: 19.2%Same home 5+ years: 39.5%
High school or higher: 96.6%Social and economic indicators
based on 2000 Census sample data.
Bachelors or higher: 62.5%
Green = Above U.S. Avg Red = Below U.S. Avg
 Red bkg. = Above U.S. Avg  Green bkg. = Below U.S. Avg 
Economic Indicators
Household Income Occupation
<$10,000 1.5%(among employed persons over 16)
$10,000-$14,999 1%Mgt./Professional 59%
$15,000-$24,999 2.9%Service 5.8%
$25,000-$34,999 4.9%Sales/Office 27.9%
$35,000-$49,999 9.5%Farm/Fishing/Forestry 0%
$50,000-$74,999 17.3%Construction/Extraction/Maint. 2.8%
$75,000-$99,999 14.7%Production/Transportation 4.4%
$100,000-$149,999 24.1%Unemployment/Poverty
$150,000-$199,999 11%Unemployed 1.5%
$200,000+ 13.1%Below Poverty Line 1.9%
Median Household Income: $96,840




GeneralEducationOther SocialEconomic Indicators
Population Density
75007 4173.68
75067 3811.64
75006 2671.02
75028 2441.55
75038 2102.42
75019 1938.76
75063 1681.28
75010 1549.82
75057 777.89
75039 509.32
High School +
75039 98.4%
75028 97.6%
75063 97.3%
75019 96.6%
75010 94%
75007 91.6%
75038 90.8%
75067 87.7%
75006 78.5%
75057 76%
Bachelors +
75039 72.9%
75019 62.5%
75063 62.4%
75028 51%
75010 49.6%
75038 43.5%
75007 40.9%
75067 34.1%
75006 29.5%
75057 18%
75028 74.6%
75019 71.1%
75007 65.5%
75010 64%
75006 56.8%
75057 55%
75067 54.9%
75063 50.3%
75038 44.7%
75039 31.9%
Here 5+ yrs
75007 49.9%
75006 42.3%
75019 39.5%
75028 37.5%
75057 32.1%
75067 31.3%
75010 29.4%
75063 19.9%
75038 18.6%
75039 8.2%
75057 3.8%
75067 2.7%
75006 2.6%
75038 2.4%
75063 2.3%
75028 2.3%
75007 2.2%
75010 2.1%
75019 1.5%
75039 1.3%
75057 13.3%
75038 10.6%
75006 7.9%
75039 5.2%
75067 5.2%
75063 4.4%
75007 3.9%
75010 3.6%
75028 2.1%
75019 1.9%
Median Income
75019 $96,840
75028 $91,855
75010 $75,462
75007 $70,081
75063 $62,199
75039 $56,451
75006 $52,798
75067 $52,123
75057 $44,820
75038 $41,506


 For More statistics and graphs about Coppell, Texas or any other city/town in the United States, please click on http://zipskinny.com/


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