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Phoenix Market Nuts and Bolts

Real Estate Agent with N.B. Andrews & Associates - All AZ Realty

Phoenix Real Estate Market

The median sale price for homes in Phoenix over the last 12 months is $114,000.

The median mortgage debt is $110,037.

Additional Statistics for Single Family Homes and Condos in Phoenix, AZ
Median Listing Price
Median Days on Market
Active Listings
Distressed Listings
(foreclosures and short sales)
Phoenix, AZ Price Trends - Sold vs. Listed
The median list price in August for single family homes in Phoenix is $229,000. The list prices dropped by -4.42%from the previous month.

The price per square foot for listings in this area is $130.

The median sale price in July for single family homes is $125,000. The sale prices dropped by -2.29%from the previous month.

The price per square foot for sales in this area is $170.

Chart Temporarily Unavailable
Phoenix, AZ Market Inventory Trends

The number of active listings in Phoenix increased by 6.4% from the previous month.

The median number of days active properties have been listed is 28. This is significantly shorter than the national average.


The number of sales in July dropped by 70.4% from the previous month.

Chart Temporarily Unavailable
Phoenix, AZ Property Ownership

The percent of rental properties in Phoenix is 17.64% above the national average which is typical for urban areas.

Chart Temporarily Unavailable
