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Need Alternative Financing for Investing? Read This!

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No matter how established you are as an investor, there will be times when getting a bank to finance a new property or other investments can be a hassle. Changes are always at play when it comes to financing and getting your loan approved by banks.

The above is how and why asking for assistance from private mortgage lenders can come into play. Thankfully, there are ways to get around with the changing economic climate, as we will share in this article.

Financing Today

It is not a new thing that those who happen to have a lot of properties may still have a difficult time getting a bank to finance a new venture. Banks like security and they will always go for the most ‘secure’ loan. As a result, fewer and fewer financing options are available for investors. Add to this the changing rules on private lending and declining property values, borrowing is simply not as it used to be.

Try a Private Lender

Enter private lenders who provide private financing. They make money from mortgage investment corporations and investors, so they are likely to be more receptive than banks. The interest they charge is a bit higher because they take a higher risk lending to those who were turned down by banks, but they do provide a solid solution for those who are in need of investing funds.

Even investors who have bad credit are able to apply for and secure a loan from private lenders more so with the help of mortgage brokers.. They can then use the loan to fund renovations for existing properties or for financing new investments.

Risk Reduction is Possible

Private lenders can do what banks cannot do because they can opt for lower investor payouts therefore not incurring a huge risk such as those in loans of higher value. Another thing is that because they in an equity-based market, they can decrease loan-to-value ratio with no issues.

Are they always like this? The answer is no. They’ve even become a bit stricter when reviewing a borrower’s financial history lately. With this said, private lenders are still a lot more flexible than banks and do not just rely on someone’s beacon scores, current employment status, or income when considering the approval of a loan.  If you know how to work with private lenders, you’re one step ahead in securing financing for your investment.

Dealing with Private Lenders

There are a few tips that work great with private lenders. These tips are meant to help with securing a loan and paying it back. Read about them below!

  • Transparency and honesty – be honest about your financial situation and other pertinent details. Hiding your true financial status is the biggest mistake you can make.
  • Be ready – find out all the paperwork you need. Get the help of a mortgage broker to be sure about this.
  • Be patient – securing a loan can be a lengthy process with a substantial amount of paperwork needed. Losing your cool won’t make the process go faster.
  • Know what fees needs to be paid – lenders and mortgage brokers do not work for free. Ask about the fees upfront for smooth-sailing later on.
  • Plan an exit strategy – an exit strategy allows you to have a secure financing in place. This is another thing that a mortgage broker can assist you with.

Looking for a mortgage broker? Whether you’re looking for a home equity loan, second mortgage, private mortgage and more, we’re here to help! That’s what we do! Contact us and let us help you with financing your investment!