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Property listings on one website

Home Stager with StageStruck

Every Saturday our local newspaper has one sectiond devoted to homes and gardens. Today there was an article on Propsmart.com. This is an independent real estate search engine. You can sign up for an account to put your own listings on it or you can look at the top 25 US metropolitan areas.

This search engine compunds more than a million property listings from online sources and private sellers and makes them searchable with a google map based visual interface. The site also has an online community of buyers, sellers, and service providers that share their information which then in turn gives them more exposure and increases traffic to the site.

You can also sign up to get rss feeds in order to get updates of new listings. It is relatively easy to sign up with a free account. It looks like an interesting site and coud be a help for agents and we stagers. I thought maybe you guys could check it out. I had never heard of them until I read today's paper.