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Poem...for thought!

Services for Real Estate Pros with MarQuis Real Estate Group/Boise River Properties

Silent Debates

My honesty has punished me to a very vivid degree, Speaking to me silently so when I'm dreaming, I find difficulty leveling reality. My maturity has hindered movements I used to fully express this complex personality, and now my fantasy and sanity find it hard to agree.

Shadows of light darken my exposed insecurities, and through meditative dealings I am able to see the real me I want to see...no better yet, I am allowed to see. Because I hide myself productively, strong fully, unwillingly to my lack of disbelief.

Dandruff of mind worry flake off my imagination with ease, and this creative disease stirs up my sinuses and cause me to sneeze.  Cause me to react without proper means of the response I should expect. Not knowing what to anticipate just makes my mind ache, and now I have this overwhelming need to allow my actions to regurgitate.