tinley park inspection: Quality of Life Raise - 10/31/24 07:16 AM

Quality of Life Raise. 
This post could have started writting many years ago, 2014 to be exact. I started my home inspection business, SLS Home Inspections in 2007. I started with a 13 page pile of paper with components of what to inspect. It matched the primitive report software I was using. It wasn't very expensive to use the report writing software but it did the job for 11 years. I was at a home inspection conferance and met Erin Brockovich, yes the Erin Brockovich. I was standing in line to get a picture with her and the inspector behind me in … (5 comments)

tinley park inspection: Everyone Loves Fresher Than Fresh - 06/27/24 12:50 PM
Fresher than Fresh salsa, sounds great doesn't it? It's the name of my salsa that just has a nice ring to it. Well, I wish I could take credit for the recipe, but I can't. Back in old days before cell phones and online recipes, there was these things called magazines. I sold lumber and building materials for 32 years. I would often go the local library in the town near the lumber yard where I worked so I could do blueprint takeoffs for the house lumber package I was selling. It was quiet, no interruptions from the lumber yard guys, … (9 comments)

tinley park inspection: You Don't Know What You Don't Know - 10/30/23 06:27 AM
You Don't Know What You Don't Know.
     Boy is that ever true, especially when it comes to tech stuff on the computer. Over the years I have spent literally dozens of hours trying to search for documents, create a postcard or flyer or prepare presentations only to have them blow up in my face when I finally get finished. They may have things like bad fon't sizing, wrong font, off center, weird script that just disappears when I think it's ready to go, or just plain look ugly and unprofessional. Don't even get me started with Excel or Powerpoint. The … (15 comments)

tinley park inspection: Lessons From Life and Business - 08/31/23 06:56 AM
Lessons From Life and Business.
     As a father of 6 kids, it has been one of the standing jokes of the family over the years that I am always telling stories about random events and happenings in my life that should be a valuable lesson for them to learn from. Here are a couple examples. I told my daughters for years that I was the smartest guy they will ever know. After numerous boyfriends and one ex-husband, I can confidently say still to this day that I am the smartest guy they have ever known. There are a few challengers … (12 comments)

tinley park inspection: Why Us You May Ask? - 07/30/23 07:43 AM
Why Us You May Ask?
     That's a great question and isn't asked very often. Most of the time the very first words we hear when the phone rings and a potential buyer is on the other end is "How much is a home inspection?" Literally 9 out of 10 times, that's all the caller wants to know. They don't know that it's not really  what they want to know, but they don't know what they don't know. What they really want to know is what are you going to tell me that is so valuable and worthwhile and important in … (14 comments)

tinley park inspection: Flower Season is Way Too Short - 05/30/23 09:02 PM
Flower season is way too short.
     Every April and May in Bourbonnais, Illinois we get an amazing blast of color thanks to the wide and assorted collection of flowers that bloom seemingly all at once. These flowers make real-life paintings in everyone's gardens and flower beds. Having a job where I get to visit homes and enjoy these beautiful gardens all over our area is a bonus that I don't take for granted.
     Finding such beauty in what otherwise may be a very dull and drama free inspection and turns it into a perfect opportunity to snap a few … (9 comments)

tinley park inspection: Now Just Hold on a Second There - 03/23/23 07:05 AM
Now Just Hold on a Second There.
     There are many times when a seller is present at the home inspection. Most of the time they just hang around the house, in the kitchen or family room watching TV or reading, etc. They may say to check with them if we have any questions we need answered. Very helpful and totally fine with me and my buyer. We always remind the buyer that we are in the seller's home and we should wear boot covers, which I bring with for them just in case to respect the home. I also remind … (14 comments)

tinley park inspection: Old School-New School - 01/30/23 01:05 PM
Old School-New School
Last year was a crazy year in real estate and I'm pretty sure everyone that reads this might agree. While some months were normal to average business wise, there were several months that were not close to 2021. As the year went on, we determined that 2021 was an anomaly and we were more likely tracking with 2020. Our fees increased slightly, so while our number of inspections were down, we were still above in total revenue. 
The biggest change happened in April when our longtime marketing partner sold their business to a new company for a huge chunk of … (20 comments)

tinley park inspection: Good Reminder for Homeowners - 01/19/22 10:12 AM
Old post but really good reminder for any homeowner.
I've said it before...Water always wins and it is not your friend inside your home.
This sump pump discharge pipe jumped out at me the minute I saw it at my Bourbonnais Illinois Home inspection.
Matted down grass. Moss growing on the wall. Large opening where the pipe exits the wall. It took every ounce of willpower to not run inside the house and look at the interior wall, joists and plywood. The house next door had an elbow directing the water down into the drain pipe away from the house.


tinley park inspection: We have Two Wright Homes in our Town - 10/28/21 11:54 AM
     We have two Frank Lloyd Wright homes in our town. Kankakee, Il. 
     Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) is famous the world over and his homes are known for some of the coolest, most innovative and striking design ideas ever built. Kankakee, IL is proud to have two Wright homes. Next door to each other too. One of them is privately owned and there are not a whole lot of people that have visited that home as long as I can remember. But the B. Harley Bradley home is a very different story. It's long history has several inspiring chapters, … (3 comments)

tinley park inspection: Winter is Coming Fast- Ready or Not - 10/23/21 06:18 PM
Winter weather is coming fast. Bourbonnais, Illinois was 36 degrees last night.   
   There are a few things that are worse than a furnace acting up in the middle of the winter, but for the life of me I can't think of any right now. Your furnace or boiler needs an annual checkup.
REPEATING   Your furnace or boiler needs an annual checkup. Don't wait.
     If you put it off until November or December, you're asking for trouble. Waiting until the snow flies means you waited about 3 months too long. Now if you're depending on something like this old furnace … (8 comments)

tinley park inspection: It's the Little Things - 02/27/21 06:46 AM
It's the Little Things
     We have had a crazy amount of snow in Illinois this season. My snowblower has been running more this year that the past 3 years combined. Home inspections in Bourbonnais and surrounding areas have been a real challenge. Can't see the roof, huge drifts of snow to plow through and dangerously frigid temperatures have made this winter one for the record books. If you don't have a safety pack in your car when heading out, you are taking a huge risk with your life. The items we require the inspectors at SLS Home Inspections to carry … (3 comments)

tinley park inspection: It's not Hard to Like Agents Like This - 02/07/21 06:30 AM
It's not Hard to Like Agents Like This. 
I am a home inspector, with two inspectors on our team. While not the largest inspection company in Illinois, we are pretty big in our small part of the world. We complete approximately 600 inspections each year, and have been steadily growing for every one of the 13 years in business. In this time, I have been able to work with literally hundreds of real estate agents. I have seen first hand the various ways of selling methods employed by these agents. Again, I'm not an agent, but I have been in sales for … (7 comments)

Scott Seaton Jr. SLS Home Insp, The Home Inspector With a Heart! (SLS Home Inspections-Kankakee Will Iroquois Grundy Counties)

Scott Seaton Jr. SLS Home Insp

The Home Inspector With a Heart!

Bourbonnais, IL

More about me…

SLS Home Inspections-Kankakee Will Iroquois Grundy Counties

Address: 61 Briarcliff Lane, Bourbonnais, IL, 60914

Office: (815) 644-6271

Mobile: (815) 644-6271




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