
Windermere Website Changes~ Adapting and Overcoming Change!

Managing Real Estate Broker with Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA 73708

Well it has been about a week since Windermere upgraded our websites to bring us the best of the best techonology in today's world.  I for one, well, truthfully, do not like change but have slowly learned to adapt and overcome!  I haven't quite completed or accomplished the look and feel I am looking for on my new website, but I hope you'll hang in there until all the kinks are worked out and we're back on track!

I am fairly computer and internet savvy, but it has been a challenge utilizing the new format, but I know with time and knowledge it will be better than ever for both you, as theWebsite Changes consumer,and myself, as a professional broker marketing your home for sale or for rent! 

I have not had much time to learn all the new tricks and widgets and links etc. due to being quite busy in the field,  but I am learning something new each and everyday and working to incorporate it into my new website. 

 I can't thank you enough for your patience as this process evolves and soon - soon I hope to have another very user friendly and informative website up and running.  My goal is to be able to keep you informed and promote all of my active listings with ease and the best exposure possible on the internet!  

Adapt and overcome has been my motto through this process and I hope you will too will take the time to wander through, post your input (good or bad) as we rebuild and accomplish fantastic internet exposure utilizing all of Windermere's excellent and top notch technology resources! 

Hope to hear from you soon!



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Paul Campbell Realtor Lexington
Rector Hayden, Lexington, Ky - Lexington, KY
Kentucky Homes for Sale



I totally agree with your dislike of tech change.  I also applaud you for your attitude toward change.  It is better to adapt than get left behind and that is what can happen only too easily.  I grew up in the Pacific NW and raised my children there.  Sure do miss that blue water and the snow capped mountains.

Oct 23, 2011 02:04 PM
Valerie Spaulding
Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA - Belfair, WA
Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!

Paul - Thank you for stopping in!   It has been a spectacular fall here in the Pacific Northwest!  I am doing my darndest to learn all as quickly as possible!  Definitely a challenge in an everchanging world! 

Oct 23, 2011 02:06 PM
Travis Martinez
Hamilton, MT

Nice post.  I have been playing with my new Windermere site aswell.  I think it is certainly better than the old Windermere sites.  I am also thinking about doing away with my Point2Agent site in light of the capabilites of this new site.  

Oct 26, 2011 05:52 PM
Valerie Spaulding
Windermere Peninsula Properties~Allyn~Belfair~WA - Belfair, WA
Allyn-Belfair-Hood Canal-Local Expertise!

TRAVIS - Thank you.  It is slowly coming together.  Still not quite what I am driving/striving for but getting there!  Seems to always be a work in progress!

Thank you for stopping by !


Nov 04, 2011 01:08 PM