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Santa Ana Clogged Drains and Clogged Septic Tank Problems

Home Builder with Schuelke Plumbing

Clogged drains or septic tank problems in Santa Ana? Having a septic tank means that you must take some extra precautions in maintaining it properly. Your septic tank will need to be pumped out every 3 or 4 years, but you can maintain it during that time so it stays in good working order and does not clog prematurely. Your septic tank is likely to get clogged if you flush anything down your toilet besides toilet paper or facial tissue. Anything else, including dental floss, paper towels, cotton swabs, feminine products, diapers, or the like will cause huge problems very quickly.

Washing too many loads of laundry during one day will overwhelm your septic tank and cause your system to slow down. Space out your laundry loads to avoid clogs. No more than two loads each day is optimum. Also, be careful what you put down the drain in your kitchen or bathroom. Oils and fats create a sludge that will clog your septic tank. Dispose of these in other containers to prevent sludge and scum from forming in your septic system. This is also good for the environment. Also, using solvents or chemicals will prevent the bacterial process that allows your septic tank system to work properly.

Be careful what types of plants and trees you plant near your septic tank and drain field. Roots can grow into your pipes and cause it to get clogged. Using yeast or an enzymatic treatment will help your tank to digest more efficiently and prevent clogging. Running warm water down the sink after emptying a package of yeast will give it time to reach the septic tank.

Garbage disposals may also clog your septic tank, so limit or eliminate their use. A disposal grinds up food and suspends it in water; some of this food is digested in the septic tank, but the rest of it will have to be pumped out.