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The secret is repetition, repetition, repetition!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Darrell Backen 1.855.216.6010

•36.     MALL INFO STAND. Your local mall may have a public service stand that it rents out for a week at a time. The purpose of these booths is to have an everchanging atmosphere in the mall at all times so that the mall seems interesting all year long. The booths generally have to have someone in them to answer questions. You will need some formof an attention-getter sign.       You may consider the blueprint size photocopies or the inexpensive banners. You should have some of your lawn signs there as well so the people will 'connect' your booth with your signs when they see them on the street. Every time a person sees your logo and company name, the more likely they will think of you when they need your services. Why do you think the major soft drink companies keep plastering their logo around every where? I don't think there is a person who is in this country more than a day who can't name the two big soft drink companies!

The      secret   is          repetition,        repetition, repetition!When I was on vacation I traveled through this small town of maybe 100,000 people. I noticed one company's trucks about 20 times in the 2 day stay that I was there. I didn't know how many trucks the company had or how large it was. As I was leaving that town early in the morning [to get

a full days driving in before the major traffic] I noticed, in a quiet residential area 2 older trucks and one small car, all painted up in company colors and with the logo painted on the doors. This was most likely the entire 'fleet' that I had seen working around the town! I would estimate the value of all the vehicles put together would not have been worth more than $3000, but the company's name and what they didstuck in mind from the first day. They had their marketing program together better than some companies worth over $100,000 that I know of!