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Recent Activity in Ridgeland Park, Decatur, Georgia

Real Estate Agent with Benefield Realty

Recent Activity in Ridgeland Park, Decatur, Georgia

Currently there are 6 listings in Ridgeland Park Subdivision in Decatur, Georgia. The prices range from a low of $199,500, to a high of $639,900.




There have been 5 recent sales in the subdivision ranging from a low of $150,000 to a high of $530,000. Most of these were on the market for less than 120 days, with one selling after just one day on the market.



Ridgeland Park Subdivision is a very popular, close in Subdivision that has seen a lot of renovations as well as tear downs with new homes built their place. The result is the broad level of pricing in the area.

This subdivision is unique in that part of the subdivision is located within the city limits of Decatur and part of it is located in unincorporated DeKalb County. All of the houses in Ridgeland Park are within minutes of Downtown Decatur, Emory, the CDC, and the Atlanta VA hospital.

Shopping is available to the neighborhood at North Decatur (approximately 4 minutes away), Downtown Decatur (3 minutes), & Toco Hills (8 minutes). Residents of Ridgeland Park would have roughly a 15 minute commute to Downtown Atlanta. Nearby hospitals would be Emory, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, DeKalb Medical Center, and the Atlanta VA Hospital. There are several notable colleges and universities that are convenient to this neighborhood. Emory University, Georgia Perimeter College, Agnes Scott, Georgia State, and Georgia Tech are all within a short commute.

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