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City of Lapeer, Real Estate Market

Real Estate Broker/Owner

graphCity of Lapeer, Lapeer County, MI
statistics, market conditions

* The median single family home price as of 01/30/2011 for Lapeer is $117,545 - no change from 01/23/2011

* With a market action index at 17.02, Lapeer is currently in a buyers market

* The average property has been on the market for about 221 days - up 1% from last week when the average was 219 days

* Price per square foot for homes is about $79 - no change from last week

* There are about 226 properties on the market in Lapeer as of 01/30/2011 - that's down 1% from last week when there was 228 properties on the market

Summary: Average properties have been on the market longer, inventory is down. With home prices being the same, buyers are taking longer to buy with less to choose from. Maybe waiting to find that "right" property. Selling your home at a fair price is a realistic expectation.

New homes on the market:
1132 N. Monroe St, $69,900 - 3 bedrooms and 1480 sq.ft
345 E. Oregon St, $84,900 - 6 bedrooms and 3694 sq.ft
817 Turrill Ave, $124,500 - 4 bedrooms and 1640 sq.ft

Reported solds this week:
623 Jefferson St, $47,249 - 986 sq.ft and 2 bedrooms
67 Rosemary St, $102,000 - 1260 sq.ft and 3 bedrooms

If living in town appeals to you, then let's talk about how to make that dream a reality in the City of Lapeer. Contact me direct at 810-338-0628 or dhorne@cbshooltz.net TODAY!

Don't wait to have the affordable home of your dreams. Call me at 810-338-0628 TODAY!
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