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To Succeed in Investing in Real Estate Don’t Let Dollar Signs Blind Your Vision

Services for Real Estate Pros with Working With Houses, LLC - Atlanta Real Estate Investments

Consider this scenario and see how the folks you meet up to do business with perceive you.  If you always have an agenda to resell and flip houses and that’s the extent of your vocabulary, then you are missing out.  People appreciate some personal touch, some rapport and a relationship that’s not just ‘okay, it’s sold, I gotta go, I am done here!’, ‘Thank you, sir or ma’am.’  ‘I don’t have business talking with this guy anymore, I got what I wanted.’  Your goal to succeed is dependent on how you manage to transform your business goal into something more meaningful and ideal.  People do business with people they like and trust is the old saying and it’s true.

It’s about common sense, common decency and identifying common interests that you and a potential client and/or business partner share.  It could be your ambition for your kid’s education, or writing a book.  You can always find something that you both can relate into.  Not everyone is likeable though so, we try to answer the question, ‘why do people like us in the first place?’  People like us when we are honest, genuine and positive.  Before we worry about impressing our potential client, let us be ourselves and say genuine things and make sure that we deliver.  When the client sees your sincerity they will start to open up and that’s when you can further establish the relationship.  The business bond between you two can prosper.

When you establish a lasting relationship, you will care about the risks you take and the business risks your clients take because of your recommendations and advice.  The sincere and good advice you give will lead to repeat business that should last for many years to come.  And business will not just stop between you two.  When your client is happy, business can multiply.

Remember, the biggest turn off is greed and the lust to just make money.  This just adds to the aversion people feel towards you if you are perceived that your only goal is the satisfaction of making lots of cash and have no interest in the outcome for your client.  You have to be committed from start to finish.  Do not shy away from commitment.  Do it and don’t make excuses.  

To achieve better relationships send e-mails and social networking messages that are not just about availability and prices on deals.  It’s better to share a part of your life.  This is not only more satisfying but may genuinely put you in a preferred category when time comes time to talk shop.  People will talk and they will recommend you.  You will be seen as an expert in your field.  Remember, a good deed will never be forgotten.

Turn over a new leaf today and start to build lifetime business relationships that really bring about win-win deals.  Whoever says “People do business with people they like and trust”, absolutely hit it right.