Special offer

Just 20 minutes per day....(gets you a LOT)

Services for Real Estate Pros with PropertyMinder, Inc.


20 Minutes A Day, Pays.
Tackle manageable tasks that help you
handle and humanize your business.

What can 20 minutes get you? Plenty…

homeowners set up on Seller's Corner so they stay connected to their neighborhood.
(Pssst....register for this week's 
Seller's Corner webinar, now!)

buyers set up in your CRM on a Listing Alerts so they keep coming to YOUR website.
(Pssst....register for today's 
CRM webinar, now!)

- Write a 
2 sentence email and blast it out.

A fun winter questionnaire or a contest sent to your 
database to generate an email response.

Send a “How are you?” text message to as many people in your phone that you can - so your cell phone number is right in their hand.


Simply put: divided mini-tasks mean less stress and more balance.
Less than 50 days to go until 2016. Get started today. 

Need more inspiration?
Reach out to me. I am here to help.

Have a great week,


Community Manager

Remember: If you're at a loss for new content, reach out to me and I will help you one-on-one.