Special offer

Your Listing(s) Legacy.

Services for Real Estate Pros with PropertyMinder, Inc.


Howdy ActiveRainers, 

Tim here, with a quick heads up - today is National Biographer's Day.
Biography: (noun) an account of someone's life written by someone else, complete with details of the most important parts.

Your professional life and legacy deeply matter to us. We want to help you shape them into something lasting, memorable, resilient and hugely successful.

Whether it's turning 
leads into buyers, buyers into homeowners, or homeowners into sellers - we're here to ensure you come out on top, every single time.

Life isn't predetermined - we have the power to craft and write our own biographies - on our own terms. 
You deserve a legacy of limitless 
listings, referrals, professional momentum and resiliency (no matter what).

Let's map out what your business and biography look like: achieved goals, increased listings, industry expertise, and maybe even a little envy from the competition...

Really hoping we can still connect,

Director of Marketing
(408) 213-4668

Speaking of biographies - need help creating, evaluating or revising yours? Check out a sample from our writers and let us know if we can help!

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Gain the competitive upper-hand with PropertyMinder marketing, designed in the heart of the nation's hottest seller's market!