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Boulder real estate company explains: What we're all about

Real Estate Agent with Real-a-Save

Let’s keep it simple. That’s the guiding thought behind what we’re doing over at Real-a-Save. Buying a house is a pretty straight forward process: you start looking for a house, narrow down your search, take a look inside, make an offer on your favorite, navigate some hurdles, close the deal, move in. And with more and more people choosing to do the search portion of this process on their own via the internet, and then bringing the agent in to write the offer only after they’ve narrowed down their list, well, it makes our business that much more sensible. Why shouldn’t we reward our buyers with a huge cash rebate for saving us all that time? And the funny thing is, most people prefer to handle the search on their own, at their own pace. With all the tools available on the internet for evaluating prices and searching for homes, most people are handling this portion of the purchase process themselves and are finding it an easy, convenient way to stay in control of the transaction from day one.

Sticking with the theme of keeping it simple, we’ve created a website aimed at explaining what goes on in the typical transaction and how we can help. We’ve created a user interface that is simple and elegant and offers everything a client might need over the course of a transaction.

And let’s just do away with all the clutter associated with your typical agent website. We know that if you are buying or selling a house you probably don’t want to wade through a bunch of shameless self promotion, just get to the bottom line. How much will this cost? What do I get? How can you help me? We’re transparent from day one. Our savings calculator tells you exactly how much your rebate will be at closing. And our one-price listing program for sellers simplifies the entire process of selling your home. Look, there’s just no reason to charge one client $30,000 to sell their house, then turn around and charge another client $5,000 for the same service (depending on how much your home costs) when a single modest fee for all clients regardless of the price of their home is more logical.

Next on our to-do list is building a better real estate search feature. I’ll keep you posted on our progress and will happily listen to any requests or advice regarding features.

And if there’s anything about our site that you think could be better then just shoot me an email at bobconnors@realasave.com.

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