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I see on a regular basis here or in forums on Facebook what is the ultimate and best closing gift for our clients? Regardless of what you choose it should be something personal that shows you put some effort into it and truly appreciate you clients. This can also go for anyone in the transaction ...
I would not be who I am today without Charlene. In fact I might not be here if it wasn't for Charlene, so it's no wonder my thankfulness starts with her. IN 2008 when she was my girlfriend she noticed something wrong with me when i spoke to investors in San Francisco. She commented on my extreme ...
That used to be me in the upper picture, give me enough liquid stimulation and I could speed through any day. The two problems with that is that you speed right by opportunity in a mad dash to be busy accomplishing very little and also you become a disorganized mess. Even when you approach time m...
I am still a great believer that single image photos can often do more than 3D tours and other new and cool ways to present a property. The use of drone photography enhances the desirability of a property if it shows off significant features and intrigues the buyer or renter enough to inquire abo...
We returned to Jupiter last Friday and took our first ocean walk on Saturday morning. We had left the Wednesday before Irma and wanted to see what everything looked like. We saw a lot of wind damage and in combination with the Harvest moon the tide was bringing in powerful waves to a beach that w...
I have made it my duty to do unscientific analyzes of squirrels. The Oklahoma City squirrels are a bit flighty and will run at a moments notice. When I spent time in Houston I noticed that the Texas squirrels are very aggressive and will hit on you. That doesn't surprise me about Texas. Florida s...
There are times I wish I was a poodle. To be constantly loved, pampered, held, and adored is something I will never experience as a human being. It is a rare occasion that Henri is disturbed. Maybe when we brush his teeth daily but that may be the extent of it. He is also a master of Zen. We love...
When it comes to property pricing we typically think about the comparable approach and then dig down into details. We can also add absorption rate so we can hone in one the supply and demand that helps us dictate a probable selling price. There is also the added extra of subjective thinking since...
Active Rain has a 4 part series challenge about what our value proposition is except I don't like the word proposition. I would rather hone in on what my value is rather than making it a market proposition of how I get the message out. For me, value comes with 27 years of a constant hunger to kn...
I can hear the music in the background as Sergio composes the music of my life. Habits are a fact of life sense according to neuro-science that true consciousness is like the part of the iceberg you see above water and learned behavior on a subconscious lizard brain way is how we go through life ...

Joe Pryor

REALTOR® - Oklahoma Investment Properties
local_phone(405) 509-5335
smartphone(405) 590-2135
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We want to inform you of economic and demographic information in Oklahoma, as well as alert you to unique investment opportunities in both residential and commerical real estate. We also will step outside of our state to comment on important news and events as they shape our real estate world. This blog has opinions but is not dogmatic. We hope for open dialogues that make us all better Realtors that give exceptional service to our communities.