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Update.....where did  he go?...just drove by ...and he is gone...I need to call to see where our transient buddy is  now.... Ahhaaaa Wait until you see where I found him now......visiting one of New Castle"s oldest and popular shops in downtown.New Castle.  Stay blogged in for the scamps next vis...
Just a partial view of the first day Farmer's Market July 25 was the first day kick off of New Castle's summer venture " The New Castle Farmers Market " This summer event  has caused  excitement and a  buzz among the locals. The Market will offering visitors  not only fresh  home grown produce b...
No ..I am not signing in on Facebook.  I don't want another time stealing project and party line chatter. Well ...never say never...I gave in under peers ( not really ) presure kicking and screaming. ans signed on. Well ..surprise, surprise. what did I find ...family that I have lost contact with...
What could be more serene than a beautiful closing to a perfect day ?   This photo has  not been retouched.
How many times have we read about Social Media and it's advantages? How many times have we blogged about the potential liability of putting ourselves on the line with transparency about our personal views and opinions? I am going to suggest again for the " Nay Sayers "  and the " Freedom of Speec...
I just received an e-mail sent by....... DOUG McILTROT.   Most people know of this  multi-talented gentleman, who is not only an excellent musician, a great guy but also  a popular loan officer at Huntington Bank in New Castle. Doug certainly has a extensive fan base not only for his exceptional ...
Well here she is again " Maggie Rose at her best "  obviously getting bad advice from daddy...shame on him. For those of you that have not met " Maggie Rose " she is the first granddaughter of one of our Realtors in our office. Little Maggie Rose  has become our  " Northwood  Realty Mascot "  We ...
You got something nasty to say about my blog?......I really don't care what you have to say. So there............ ( I just could not resist this )   Photo credit Donna .Moser taken at the   Pittsburgh  zoo
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.Oh noooooooo I thought I said to hold the pickles ..hold the lettuce I want it served my way...   photo credit Donna Moser Butler PA
Saturday's afternoon launch was filled with emotion as the red, white and blue Remax Balloon lifted gently to the open clear sky on a solo flight in tribute to a lost friend and balloonist, Steve Lachendro, who lost his life in an accident. A quiet hush fell over the crowd as the watched the firs...