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ReMAX New SEO System, Your Google Hit Counter, and Bots

Mortgage and Lending with i Cantu Media LTD

Ohhh boy.

Where should I start.

Well, first I'm glad that ReMax announced today that they are offering a new SEO program for their people. I know they need it. BAD. This is a good sign that big brother companies are looking out for their own and are making an effort..... a good effort.... to maintain productivity, and profits."

Then I read something that caught my eye... the red flag went up. I read that this new platform immediately opened the door to traffic, tons and tons of traffic... overnight.. immediately and that sort of thing and here is my point. This is a dangerous thing to fall into. A lot of companies think they can do this overnight. That has always been the perception.

There are a couple of things you need to know.....


* The main company will take care of you - and look out for you.... thats the good part
* WYSIWYG editors are nice. You can make changes and control your own content.


* You may be grouped on their server with your competition. You could all be fighting for the same IP addresses etc.

* You don't have real control over your pages.... to put in slick SEO strategies....

* Where do you drop in your sitemaps?

Here is the kicker. Where did all of this overnight traffic come from? Are people really desperate for new housing in this economy? What were the people in the tech department counting exactly?

I hope it wasn't random bots. I would rather have real eyeballs looking at my stuff online and not Google robots, (bots) or fake clicks coming in from India.... I know its a wicked practice but a lot of this type of stuff does go down quite often.

Is there any way to verify this claim by putting in Google analytic code in the pages? Can we test this out and see if these are indeed real people ... and not bots... looking at these sites?

This is what I would really check into before going head over heels for this process. As a business owner I would need to really see proof that this is accurate. Building traffic can take time. It is not an overnight thing. You have to plant your site in directories, write articles, do some blogging.... in short, it takes work --

Now there are some companies that will submit your site into a network of directories through a script. The danger here is that this can seriously backfire. Your site could be entered into a series of doorway pages, and FFA sites that will attract... spider bots... not real people. You could blow through a lot of time.... and money, but mostly time, (something you cannot get back) and seriously waste a quarter, half a year, or even the ENTIRE YEAR..... in some cases.

This is a step in the right direction. But these claims are pretty boastful. The service is too new to make these types of proclamations.

To be continued......