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Foster Pet Parents Program in Honolulu Needs You

Real Estate Agent with East Oahu Realty

Recently I read an article about Foster Pet Parents, folks who take care of pets while the animals are waiting for permanent homes.  Naturally I checked our Hawaiian Humane Society to see if the program is available here, and the answer is a strong "yes!"

Shelters across the country have been overwhelmed with abandoned animals, during this economic recession.  About half of the 6-8 million animals that go into shelters every year are euthanized.  Older foster owners are ideal, because many shelters can't place pets in homes with small children.

Our Hawaiian Humane Society on the Foster Care page on their site, unequivocally states "Foster Care Providers Needed.  Open your home temporarily to animals in need. Food, medical treatment, and basic supplies are included. More volunteers are needed." (18 is minimum age.)

"Foster care is essential to enabling us to save more lives and make more companion animals available for adoption," says Bianca Trombi, Community Outreach Coordinator. "It helps nurture animals that would be difficult to care for in a shelter environment like young animals with low immune systems, recovering animals from illness or injury, or those that just need some extra tender, love and care."

Volunteers also assist with short-term pet care for owners who are elderly, temporarily hospitalized, disabled or victims of domestic violence.  For more information in Honolulu, contact Ms. Trombi, 808-356-2217, btrombi@hawaiianhumane.org. If you are interested in Foster Pet Care on the mainland, call or visit your local animal shelter. A furry or feathered pet will thank you.
